Your business

Get your entrepreneurial dream off the ground

Of course it's great to sit in a cool and inspiring office environment with free Wi-Fi and coffee, but where we at GROW can really make a difference for you and your startup is in our knowledge and network.

Our business developers have many years of experience from their own companies and as advisors for both startups and larger companies. We also have in-house competencies in graphic communication and social media.

As part of GROW, you also get access to our wide range of services, from external expertise to mentoring (see more below).

Accessing the right knowledge for your entrepreneurial dream can make the difference between staying true to your dream and succeeding.

Individual growth program

As part of GROW Startup, in addition to the opportunity to meet other entrepreneurs, you will be assigned one of our business developers. The business developer will focus on your startup - and together you will make a realistic plan for your journey with us.

Toolbox events

Once a month, we invite an external guest. The event can be an inspiring presentation or concrete training on the things that we sense are happening right now - and that can create value for our entrepreneurs.

Specialized business development

Through GROW Startup, you have access to specialized advice in areas such as IPR, export, growth, green transition, automation, etc. where we draw on our colleagues at, among others, Erhvervshus Sydjylland.

Adviser assistance

Billund Erhvervs members include a number of specialists who offer advice to entrepreneurs in areas such as law, IT, HR, strategy, sales & marketing, management & leadership, and accounting & auditing. After referral from us, the advisors offer 1-2 hours of free clarification conversation.


We put our entire network into play.
We know that a good and relevant network can strengthen both you and your business. Access to the right connections and other entrepreneurs gives you the opportunity for unique sparring, knowledge
- and maybe business.


Mentoring can be crucial to the success of a start-up. Once we get to know you and your company, we can assign one of our mentors to your company if we believe we can make a value-creating match.

Knowledge and experience

As a startup at GROW Startup, you will have access to all the competences of the house. Involvement and close collaboration with the business community in our area also play a major role in guiding you with the right knowledge and experience.

Capital and investors

External capital can be a crucial element in taking a startup to the next level. Billund Erhverv works closely with investors locally and nationally. We give you insight into and knowledge of different funds and provide you with knowledge and tools for the right pitch.


1:1 advice on your business development. For you if you are an entrepreneur or thinking of becoming one.

We work with your business model based on recognized tools such as the Business Model Canvas.

Free of charge

1:1 advice
- completely free of charge

Are you an entrepreneur or are you thinking of becoming one? Then you have the opportunity to take advantage of our free offer of 1:1 counseling. For example, we can go through your business plan, clarify whether your future should be in GROW, or how else we can help you move forward.

"For 1:1 counseling, I got a good overview of what you can get help with in GROW and what you need to keep track of, for example, customer groups and budgets" 

- Susanne, Møbjerg Accounting